In loving memory of Pastor Ha, Yong Jo (1946-2011). A man of great faith who finished well. With deep respect and love, I was honored to serve at his side. I miss him.
When I began to watch Pastor Ha Yong Jo in the U.S. with English subtitles, I knew he was a mighty man of God. I was blessed to hear his wonderful preaching. When I came across his funeral on TV, I cried to miss this General in God's Army. May God comfort his family and large church family, too.
Hui Kyong Iwasaki
5/4/2012 07:10:32 pm
I miss him and i have never met him yet. I couldn't believe that he has passed. I was a good student of him through internet who was hoping to meet him in person one day. then I've learned that he has gone to heaven. It was so shocking and disturbed me for a long time. I loved his Bible lessons and lectures. So much blessing and the touch of the Holy Spirit I received even through the internet. God reached me through pastor Ha even after his passing. I felt a little lost for a couple of days because I didn't know whom to go to ask , but pastor Ha said, take your questions to Jesus.
8/16/2013 01:11:45 am
He was the ultimate servant of the Lord. He is, and will continue to be, missed!
Joani G.
10/4/2013 01:23:44 pm
I randomly found Pastor Ha on television with English subtitles on a late sleepless night and was left in awe at the passion for the Lord in this man's words. I remember looking puzzled and surprised at my tv screen at the randomness of finding it, especially at a time when I needed to hear the words he was preaching. He would air around 2 am and I loved watching him so much I would stay up late every night just to see the congregation. Even through subtitles, he moved me. He spoke with such power and such guidance by the Holy Spirit. I felt I had found a treasure. I scanned channels for him every night and would watch intently, with such excitement when I did find him. Pastor Ha had reignited the love, faith and passion in my heart for Christ. I vowed I would travel abroad and go to this church to watch him in person. My boyfriend had lived in South Korea for a period of time and loved it so I thought it would be an amazing trip for the both of us. But my heart broke one day when I searched info on the church and realized he had passed, and on my birthday at that. I just stopped and prayed right there as tears came down my face at the sadness but the immense joy I had that a man like that was in the presence of the Lord. I pictured just the most amazing scene of angels singing songs of cheer and adoration as he approached Heaven's doors, for helping bring so many hearts to Christ. I still plan to go to S. Korea and would like to live there for a while. He has left an impression on me for life.
12/24/2014 04:49:05 am
I share the exact same experience, minus the boyfriend in S. Korea.
1/13/2018 09:56:12 am
I agree with everything. He was a wonderful man of God!! I wish I could find his biography in English!! That would be a wonderful, encouraging read for sure!!!
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Acts 20:24
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