If you'd like a resource that will help you and your church gain a deeper understanding of God's heart for justice, as well as steps to begin being light in these dark places, consider studying through A Light in Darkness with your small group.
With January being Human Trafficking Prevention Month, I've been encouraged to see churches using A Light in Darkness to increase prayer and engagement towards ending the evil of modern-day slavery. Fruit and Life Ministry in Dallas, Texas (pictured) has started a new justice ministry as a result of their church's study through the book.
If you'd like a resource that will help you and your church gain a deeper understanding of God's heart for justice, as well as steps to begin being light in these dark places, consider studying through A Light in Darkness with your small group.
I'm excited to announce my next book, A Light in Darkness: The Church's Role in Ending Human Trafficking, will be released on September 1st through Aneko Press. This is an expanded version of Justice Awakening, with new chapters stressing the importance of justice work to be grounded in the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is a biblical theology and a practical theology of justice to equip the church to truly live out the gospel and be a light in the darkness. If you want your church to have a tangible next step to end trafficking after watching the new hit film, Sound of Freedom, let this book be your guide. Here is the link to pre-order your copy today. I'll also post the Amazon link soon as it becomes available.
https://anekopress.com/product/a-light-in-darkness/ In the early part of summer, Talbot saw the successful launch of its first Korean-language Doctor of Ministry (DMin) track. Though it was the fulfillment of a lot of work and preparation over the past 3 years, in realty, it was a vision Talbot had over 20 years ago. With 17 pastors and church leaders from Korea, the US, and Peru, it was a wonderful new step in deepening our partnership with the Korean Church.
Those two weeks were life-giving and transformative. The class bonded so quickly. By the second day, it felt like lifelong friends had reunited at the beginning of class. We learned skills for ministry, but also wrestled through what it means to live out the gospel in all facets of ministry. In a nation so strong in duty, sacrifice, and drivenness, we shared a vision of what the church in Korea could look like if instead of being driven by personal agendas, our ministries were marked by a people drawn to His grace. How would things be different if we were compelled by His love, if we painted a picture of His gospel each week, and if we ourselves basked in His mercy each day? We had several holy moments where we had to pause, pray, repent, and worship in the middle of class. Some said their lives had changed, others said their vision for ministry was "re-born", but the one thing many of them said was, "I leave here happy." I felt so fulfilled and hope-filled that I met these new partners in the gospel and, even more than that, friends. Pray that these seeds of the gospel would reap a mighty harvest of joy-filled, love-compelling, gospel-cherishing churches in Korea and around the world. I'm so happy too. Gentle and lowly
Humble and holy You knew Jesus as a friend And walked faithfully with Him till the end To so many you were a mentor By keeping Jesus at the center You were such a different pastor It was never about numbers or your fame You kept our eyes on Jesus Like an arrow pointing to His name He must become greater I must become less That was your heartbeat That’s why we were blessed You were a masterful artist Lifting our eyes to behold His face Each sermon painted the gospel So we stood in awe of amazing grace You kept Jesus at the center Inviting skeptics and friends to think How the gospel is a diamond How its beauty changes everything Your life was one that spoke Unveiling the gospel story Now you can finally rest As you are welcomed into glory I can hear the Father say Faithful servant. Well done. Enter into my happiness Tim Keller. My beloved son. Thank You God, for the life and testimony of Timothy Keller. If I could ask for some prayer coverage for tomorrow, as I'll be guest speaking at Living Hope Community Church in Brea. Pray for hearts to be receptive and respond to His Word. Pray for God to anoint me, fill me, and use me to declare His Word faithfully. And ultimately, may Christ be honored and glorified, and may His church be revived. Thank you!
Please pray for me as I preach at the Arise Early Morning Prayer Conference at Sarang Church in Anaheim tomorrow morning. It's always an honor to lead God's people into a time of prayer. Pray that they would make prayer their home and find deep joy in the presence of God. Please pray for anointing, strength, and for me to wake up on time (It starts at 5am). Thank you!
I would definitely appreciate prayers for wisdom. I'll be interviewed this morning by InterVarsity Press for their Meet the Author series with many of their top donors and supporters in attendance. We'll be discussing my book Praying for Your Missionary and the role of prayer in global missions. We will also be spending time in prayer for the upcoming Urbana Missions Conference. A lot of important elements to this gathering, so I would love some more prayer coverage. Thank you very much.
I'm excited for the start of this new semester. I'm teaching courses in preaching as well as spiritual formation. In preaching class this week, we had some heartfelt discussions about what God is doing through the crushing of idols, the humbling of celebrities, and the purifying of His Bride in this hour within the Church. Please pray for God to raise up men and women who love Him deeply and will humbly and faithfully serve Him for all their days.
Acts 20:24
"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me - the task of testifying to the Gospel of God's grace." Archives
January 2024
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