How can you help?
1. Mentor (Big Brother/Big Sister): We are looking for men and women to serve at mentors (or big brothers and big sisters) to these children. To meet with them for an hour to two each month, for several years, sharing life together and sharing the love of Jesus.
2. Petition: Sign our petition, asking the Korean government to allow more access for the children to see and spend time with their parent(s) in prison. Currently, they are only allowed to see their parent 3 times a year. This petition is seeking a law change, allowing the child to see their parent as often as they wish.
3. Sew: If you enjoy sewing or are willing to learn, sewing is a simple way to serve them. There are stuffed animals (teddy bears) that need your help to be sewn so that we can give them to these children as gifts at various family camps.
4. Key Chains: You can also purchase a key chain for KRW 5,000 that will go towards this ministry.
5. Volunteer: There are one-day family camps held each month in different parts of Korea where children and their parents can spend time together and deepen their relationship. If you can make yourself available at these camps to be a staff member to serve, that would also be greatly appreciated.
6. Give: Financial donations are also always welcome. Please email us letting us know that you'd like your donation to be give for the Invisible Chains ministry.
7. Pray: Please pray for these children who carry with them a great deal of pain and heartache. Many of them, if they are unable to find a positive role model and a place of healing, become very vulnerable to some dangerous paths in Korea.
If you'd like to help in any of these ways or have other questions, please email:[email protected]